Electronics Space


The electronics space can be used for:


See the sub-pages for more info on the electronics equipment available at Makespace.

Orange equipment

Green equipment 


Green equipment
Online training material is available on the Equipment pages. 

Orange equipment
Users are required to read through the online training material on the Equipment pages and familiarise themselves with the health and safety information.

It may be possible to arrange ad-hoc training by contacting the Owners.  

Red Equipment 

If you want to work on any  voltages over 50 V AC RMS or 120 V ripple free DC you must pass training and a practical. 

Read the Electrical Working Policy

Take the Electrical Working quiz

Contact electronics-owners@makespace.org to arrange a practical.  YOU MUST BE AUTHORISED BY AN OWNER PRIOR TO STARTING WORK, 

Health & Safety 

Key risks 

Some general guidance to reduce these risks is given below but members should read the relevant training materials. 

Electrical equipment 


Live working 



A limited supply of consumables is available including solder wire, equipment wire, resistors / capacitors and heat shrink. Users should consider purchasing their own consumables if using in volume. Contact the Owners if you think something is missing. 

Cleaning up

After finishing work: 


Report any issues here. 

Report minor injuries here.

Call 999 if needed.

Phones are next to both doors.

First aid kit is at the sink.