Owners Teams and Contacts
Owners are positioned such that they can make decisions about how their area operates and evolves, and are a key part of driving and expanding capabilities at Makespace.
Hence Owners are organised in teams with authority to:
Train and authorise members to use Makespace equipment
Maintain equipment and make improvements
Purchase items needed for members to use Makespace resources safely.
These authorities are delegated to individual owners by the Directors of Makespace Cambridge Ltd.
If you are seeking training or have a question about a Item of equipment or activity in Makespace please contact the relevant owners group.
Contact Information
3D Printers:
Form 3 Resin Printer:
Art Space:
Bike Space:
Craft Room:
Electronics Bench:
Fine Metals Bench:
Glass working and kiln:
Laser Cutter:
Metal Shop:
Wood Lathe:
Wood Shop:
If you are an Owner or Trainer, you can see who has completed training or is waiting for a Practical at the Trainer's Website.
Join the Owners, become a trainer
To become an owner contact the relevant team.
To start a new team, contact Management@makespace.org
Owners must be authorised by the Directors, which is done via the Owner's Agreement and only on the recommendation of the existing Owners. All trainers are first owners but must also be trained as a trainer on specific Red equipment and have that training recorded in the membership database. Talk to your Owners Team to become a trainer.