Current Owners

If you are an Owner or Trainer, you can see who has completed training or is waiting for a Practical at the Trainer's Website.  

All trainers must first be authorised as Owners and then complete training as a trainer for specific Red Equipment.  Only those members listed below are authorised to train on the equipment indicated. 

3D Printers

Ultimaker 3D Printer 


Form 3 Resin Printer - Trainer





CNC Model Mill 

CNC Router 

Craft Room

Embroidery Machine 

Industrial Sewing Machine 

Electronics Bench 

Glass Working

Laser Cutters

Metal Shop 

Metal Lathe - Trainer

Metal Mill - Trainer

Fine Metals Bench -Trainer


Band Saw - Trainer

Domino Joiner - Trainer

Festool OF1010 Router - Trainer

Mitre Saw - Trainer

Thicknesser - Trainer

Tormek - Trainer

Wood Lathe

Wood Lathe - Trainer